Your invitation behind the easel where the paintings begin

Happy to answer your questions

People often wonder what it takes to be an artist - were you born with the skill?

Well, I can’t say I was born an artist, but I can’t remember a life without creating either, art has always been a part of who I am. From early doodles of childhood sketches to a Graphic Design Degree, to 25+ years of teaching art. There haven’t been many days when I haven’t picked up a pencil or had a creative thought.

Anything can spark an idea, from a walk on a beautiful day to a colour you see or even a piece of music you hear. The key here is to be aware of those ‘ooo’ moments, those moments that make you stop, that make your heart skip a beat.

Recognise them, capture them somehow, as a photo or a note in a journal, just don’t let them escape. You may not know what you’ll do with them at the time, but they’ll be there for you to come back to.

So where do ideas come from?

Each painting starts as an unknown journey & I’m never quite sure what the end result will be, but you learn to trust the process of trying things, of experimenting, of being brave.

I aim to transfer the beauty I see in nature and people to canvas. To let you see what I see. That takes focus, time and a desire to perfect my craft. Being aware of the marks emerging as I paint and how they’ll relate to you the viewer is important to me.

How do I create my art?

To preserve a moment in time & create an emotional response. For it to be something you want to look at again & again. This is where my interest in texture & layers comes from, so that each time you look at a painting you see something new & it holds your attention for more than just a fleeting glance.

For me, art should make you feel good, give you a sense of joy & allow you to be absorbed in what you see.

Life as an artist is ever-changing, as it should be. We need inspiration to create and that changes from day to day. So, as my work evolves & develops, I hope you’ll be there with me to enjoy it.

What do I want my art to be, what do I want to give to you?